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School Leadership Reimagined

Jul 14, 2021

I've always said that one of the most powerful tools a Builder has is the meeting rhythm and team meeting agenda.  One of the biggest hidden obstacles keeping you from achieving your school goals is how you meet around those goals. Let’s be honest, most meetings are pretty useless. And every time you have a meeting where you go round and round about an issue and don’t actually SOLVE it, you are wasting time and putting you and your team further away from your school goals. 

That's why this week, we're revisiting episode 19 where you'll discover how to build a better, more accountable meeting agenda, one that gets you focused on the right issues and ensures that you actually solve your most important issues each and every time you meet.
It’s my secret weapon for helping teams actually accomplish their goals and this week I’m sharing it with you. Whether you are working with your leadership team to tackles school-wide issues or your grade level team to deal with the issues that come up on your grade level, this meeting agenda will guarantee that you not only run meetings more efficiently and smoothly, but actually get stuff done! 
After you listen to the episode, don’t forget to download my team meeting agenda template so that you can use it to plan your next team meeting.